Thursday 14 November 2013

Boundary Lines of Nations

Boundary Lines of Nations

India - Pakistan : Radcliffe Line
India - China : McMohan Line
Pakistan - Afghanistan : Durand Line
India - SriLanka : Pal Strait
USA- Canada : 49th Parallel Line
Namibia-Angola : 16th Parallel Line
South Korea-North Korea : 38th Parallel Line
France-Germany : Majinot Line
Italy-France : Alpine Line
Sweden-Finland: Markat Reef

Founders of Towns in India

Founders of Towns in India

Agra          - Sikkandar Lodhi
Ahmedabad - Ahmed Shah
Ajmeer  - Ajaypal Chauhan
Allahabad  - Akbar
Culcutta  - Job Charnok
Delhi  - Anankapalan
Fathepur Sikri - Akbar
Hisar  - Ferozshah Tuglaq
Hyderabad - Quli Qutabshah
Jodhpur  - Rao Jodha
Mahabalipuram - Narasimhawarman
Siri          - Alaudden Khilji
Vijayanagaram - Hariharan 1

Nations-Places-Names-Old and New

Abysinia                  -->> Ethiopia
Angora                    -->>Ankara
Basutholand            -->>Lesotho
Battavia                   -->> DJakarta
Bechunaland           -->> Botswana
British Guiana         -->> Guyana
Burma                     -->> Myanmar
Cambuchia              -->> Cambodia
Ceeyam                   -->> Thailand
Ceylone                   -->> SriLanka
Christina                  -->> Oslo
Constantinople         -->> Istanbul
Dacca                       -->> Dhaka
Dahomi                     -->> Benin
Dutch East Indies      -->> Indonesia
Dutch Guyana           -->> Surinam
East Africa                -->> Mosambique
Eastern Pakistan        -->> Bangladesh
Ellis Island                -->> Tuwalu
Formosa                     -->> Taiwan
FrenchuSudan            -->> Mali
Gold Coast                 -->> Ghana
Holland                      -->> Netherlands
Kathe                          -->> China
LeopoldVille               -->> Kinshasa
LucitaniaPortugese      -->> Portugal
Malagasi                      -->> Madagascar
Malaya                         -->> Malaysia
Mesopotamia               -->> Iraq
NewSpain                     -->> Mexico
Nippon                         -->> Japan
Northern Rhodasia        -->> Zambia
Nyasaland                     -->> Malavi
Pachauhalant                 -->> Botswana
Pekking                         -->> Beijing
Persia                             -->> Iran
Salisberry                       -->> Harare
Sam                                -->> Thailand
Sarandweep                    -->> SriLanka
Schkiperi                        -->> Albania
South West Africa          -->> Namibia
Southern Rhodasia         -->> Zimbabwe
Tanganikaand Sansibar  -->>  Tanzania
Uppervolto                     -->> Burkinofaso
Zire Democratic             -->> Republic of Kongo