Thursday 14 March 2013

Rivers - Mahi Basin

1. Introduction
Mahi River Basin is located in south-eastern Rajasthan,It lies south of Banas Basin, its eastern edge borders Chambal Basin in Madhya Pradesh, and its western edge borders Sabarmati Basin.
Mahi River Basin extends over parts of Banswara, Chittorgarh, Dungarpur and Udaipur Districts.
Orographically, the Basin is marked by hilly terrain belonging to the Aravali chain.
The main urban agglomeration is Banswara situated at the southeastern end of the Basin. The second largest urban centre is Dungarpur.
2. Drainage
Mahi River originates in the Mahi Kanta hills in the Vindhyachal range, in the western part of Madhya Pradesh, and enters Rajasthan in Banswara District, near Chandangarh. It leaves the State at Salakari village. On an average the river is about 100 - 130 m wide and it flows mostly through rocky terrain. Its banks may be steep, though not very high.
The main tributaries of the Mahi River are the Anas, Hiran, Eru and Chap Rivers, in Banswara District. Of these, only the Anas River is perennial.
The Jakam and Gomti Rivers are the next most important downstream tributaries of the Mahi River, originating from Chittorgarh and Udaipur Districts, respectively.
In Dungarpur District, the last lap of the Mahi River in Rajasthan, the main tributary is the Som River. Another tributary, the Moran, a seasonal river, also flows through this District.
3. Rainfall
The mean annual rainfall over the Mahi Basin is around 700 mm, of which about 94% falls during the four Monsoon months (June-September).
4. Existing Surface water Projects

There are three Major projects (Mahi Bajaj Sagar, Jakham and Jaisamand), two Medium and 220 Minor irrigation projects in the Mahi River Basin, as well as some small irrigation systems (covering less than 20 ha) constructed and operated by Panchayat Samities (PS).
5. Ongoing Surface Water Projects
38 irrigation projects, including Som Kamla Amba (Major), with a total live storage capacity of 333 Mm3, are under construction in the Basin. An additional area of 31.7 kha will be irrigated on completion of these projects, expected between the years 1997 and 2015.
6. Proposed Surface Water Projects
308 irrigation projects, with a total live storage capacity of 283 Mm3, have been proposed in this Basin. An additional area of 55 kha will be irrigated on completion of these projects, expected in between the years 2005 and 2015.

Tributaries of MahiEru, Nori, Chap, Som, Jhakham, Moran, Anas, Gomti, Bhadar

1. Som ==>>River Som originates in the hills near the village Som in Kherwara Tehsil of Udaipur District. It flows southeast through a hilly region and joins river Mahi near the village Baneshwar. The entire catchment lies in Udaipur and Dungarpur Districts.
Tributaries: Tidi, Gomti and Jakham

2. Jhakham==>>River Jakham originates southwest of the hills near Chotti Sadari in Chittorrgarh District. It flows through the hilly region of Udaipur District in a south-western direction and joins river Som near Bilara village. The Sub-Basin is situated in Chittor and Udaipur Districts.
Tributaries: Karmai and Sukli

3. Moran==>>River Moran originates in the southern hills of Dungarpur town. It flows through Dungarpur District and joins Mahi river near Galiakot village. The total catchment of river lies in Dungarpur District.
Tributaries: Karmai and Sukli

4. Anas==>>River Anas originates in  the northern slopes of the Vindhyan ranges, near Amber village  in MP. It flows in a north-western direction,  enters Rajasthan near Meledikhera village and joins Mahi river about 15 km downstream of Galiakot village. The Sub-Basin in Rajasthan is situated in Banswara District.
Tributaries: Hiran

5. Bhadar==>>The river Bhadar, originating in the hills south of Kanguwa village in Dungarpur District, flows from north to south and enters Gujarat near Kokhakra village in Dungarpur District, where it joins the Mahi near Karanta village  in Gujarat. The catchment is situated in Dungarpur District.

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